Richard William Demarest
American native Speaker Richard William Demarest, voice actor for advertisements
Richard William Demarest - Auditions
New York State A-Levels in Alberny, thre semester radio broadcasting at Northwestern University Chicago Illinois,
Manager of the technical administration of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Munich, Business Management University of Maryland & Boston, University Munich, freelance radio journalist and advisor for scripts and translator
specialisation in translating medical and technical textes,
Corporate videos:
Siemens, BASF, BMW, Hawlett- Packard, Mercedes Benz,
Coach for presenters as well as program and marketing advisor:
Radio Hamburg, Antenne Mecklenburg - Vorpommern, Radio ffn Niedersachsen, Radio RPR Rheinland- Pfalz, Antenne Thüringen, Antenne Wien, Manager Radio ENERGY 93,3 München, Manager Radio 7 Ulm, presenter and news editor RvD Deutsche Welle Bonn,