Native Speakers

Native Speaker & First language speaker

A native speaker is the definitive choice for your foreign language projects of every kind.

The mother tongue is ingrained phonetically and grammatically during early childhood development. Languages learned subsequently, rarely have the authentic quality one hears from a native speaker. To assure the highest production value for your project, we strongly recommend casting one. It pays off.

Our pool of artists is extensively screened, in order to offer the distinctive sound that only someone speaking their mother tongue can deliver. An alphabetic overview of the languages we provide is here for you to browse.

Speaker by categories:

Whether actors, native speakers or commercial voice over artists, we at Agentur Stimmgerecht oHG have the right voice for you!

The following is a randomly generated speaker selection:

Helena Sulcova
Czech native speaker, presenter, voice actress for advertisements

Kati Farkas
Native Speaker, ungarische Sprecherin, Voice actor, voice-over actor for advertisements

Bülent Ay
Turkish native speaker, voice actor for advertisements

Detailed Speaker Search





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