David Sanchez Calvo
Spanish native speaker David Sánchez Calvo, voice actor for advertisements
David Sanchez Calvo - Auditions
Theatre school for youth TELA (Teatro Escuela Libre de Alcalá), Alcalá,
dancing school SCAENA, Madrid,
actors training at Instituo de Cine NIC, Madrid, with Esteban Roel and Marta Álvarez,
studies audio-visual communication Universidad Vomplutense de Madrid,
Workshop for acting (movie) with Ramón Salazar and Manuel Marin Cuenca,
film dubbing workshop for movie and tv with Carlos Tostado,
Sit-Com with David Ilundain and Raul Arbeloa, NIC,
Workshop for dance and body language with Arnold Taraborelli
Mister Spex, Yps, Lendico
My family who are my friends, my friends who are my family
Anderswo (Cinema), Cinco Metros Cuardradros (Cinema), The Last Circus (Cinema), The Waiting Room (Short film), Und wieder (Short film), Hinter der Tür (Short film), Küss mich tiefer (Short film), Basahaun (Short film), Quiero ser Danielle Steel (Short ilm), Yo soy tú (Short film), Como Han Solo...(Short film), Los tulipanes (Short film), La Tira, Dás sin Luz, Plutón Brb Nero, Cuenta Atrás, Sit-com (Pilot film)
Theater OmU (Reigen), Deutsche Oper (Don Carlo), Theater unterm Turm Berlin (Spielwiese - zwei im Quadrat), TEATRO 13 (Amen ... me!!!), TELA (Fantasbrujas, Dios - una comedia)