Charlotta Bjelfvenstam
Swedish native speaker Charlotta Bjelfvenstam, voice actress for advertisements
Charlotta Bjelfvenstam - Auditions
Maria Körber Acting Studio Berlin, studies at the University of the Arts: social and business communication
Home24, Miele (Swedish), Shell, Nivea Deo, Easy Jet, Postbank, Berliner Morgenpost, Smart, Vattenfall, Nutella, Zewa, Tagesspiegel, Aral, Paulaner, Opel, Douglas, Vitakraft, Nintendo, Deutsche Bahn, Castello, Siemens mobile, IKEA-Bedroomspot
Image film:
AWO Demokratieförderung (explanatory film), housing cooperative, Kieser, Warmies (Swedish), Looping AG
Audio book / radio play:
Captain Marvel radio play, A Life for the Other Truth, Picasso's Women
Grenke (Swedish), Ovu control (Swedish)
Film / TV:
Other World (short film), In the Name of the Law, ZERO (graduation film from HfbK), Streit um drei (ZDF)
Ulmer Theater; TIF Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Städtische Bühnen Osnabrück, Kasemattentheater Luxembourg, Komödie Kassel, Prinz-Regent-Theater Bochum, Stuekke Berlin, Kellertheater Winterthur, Landestheater Swabia
Literature: Nine episodes of Erotic Literature (Bild.de), Fitness-DVD (UMPC GmbH), Hessischer Rundfunk ("Spätle- se": Dora Maar)