Dutch - Native Speaker

Native Speaker & First language speaker dutch voices

A Dutch native speaker is the definitive choice for your project of any kind, based in this language.

The mother tongue is ingrained phonetically and grammatically during early childhood development. Languages learned subsequently, rarely have the authentic quality one hears from a foreign language native speaker. To assure that your project has the highest production value, we strongly recommend casting one of ours. It pays off.

Our pool of artists is extensively screened, in order to offer the distinctive sound that only someone speaking their mother tongue delivers. This ensures our high standard results.

Speaker by categories:

Whether actors, native speakers or commercial voice over artists, we at Agentur Stimmgerecht oHG have the right voice over talent for you.


    Female (Dutch) (10)
The Belgien native speaker Audrey Cornelisspeaks dutch and flemish and has done recordings for audio guides, telephone information services and diverse advertisements. Her voice is fresh and youthful. Next to her native dialects west and east Flemish the voice actress speaks German, french and English.
Liesbeth De Groot is a Dutch native speaker. The voice actress is especially booked for advertisements.
Blanche Elliz is a Dutch native speaker. The voice actress has a fresh, soft and warm voice, which is versatile. Blanche Elliz has been educated at the Collage of Arts in Maastrich Netherlands. Furthermore the Dutch voice actress has sung for films like Traumhochzeit, Geliebte Schwestern and Tut er`s oder tut er es nicht. she has also worked as film dubbing actress for movies like Pocahontas and Der kleine Pinguin amongst others.
Anja Harnisch is a dutch native speaker. Next to her mother tongue the native Dutch speaks English, French and German. Her voice is light, dynamic and fresh.
The Dutch native speaker Maureen Havlena now lives in Germany. The voice actress has already recorded many projects of diverse types with her young, prominent voice.
Sally Jaber is a Dutch native speaker. The dutch voice actress got her diploma at the Acedemy of Performing Arts in Maastricht. Sally Musleh Jaber lives in Berlin and is working due to acting and voice-over engagements in Germany and the Netherlands. She already has a lot of experience in the area of eLearning and Audio guides.
The Dutch voice actress is well known in her country. The voice actress is knwon from video games, cartoons and navigational systems.
The Dutch native speaker Edna Kalb gave her voice to many cartoon characters. The voice actress has been educated at the cabaret School in Amsterdam.
The Dutch native speaker Dorien Meima lives in Munich and has a fresh, dynamic and multi facetted voice. The voice actress has recorded many diverse projects already.
Romy Snoeijers is a Dutch native speaker. The Dutch voice actress has spoken advertisements for Unicef, C&A, Disney, L`Oreal, Sensodyne, Nintendo and Sunil. Her voice is versatile and therefore can be used for many different projects.
    Male (Dutch) (10)
Alban Bouwman is Dutch native speaker. The voice actor has been educated at the Academy of Arts Utrecht Amsterdam. The Ducht native has a dark and full voice, which is often booked for corporate videos, documentaries and advertisements.
Walter de Winter is a Dutch Native Speaker. His voice is strong, prominent and warm.
Richard Gonlag is a dutch native speaker who lives in Germany since 6 years. The Dutch voice actors has already recorded many different types of projects. Richard Gonlg has a very dynamic voice.
Zeno Groenewegen is a Dutch native speaker. The voice actor speaks without accent. His voice can often be heard in the radio and tv spots, e-learnings, audio books and multimedia productions.
Ilari Hoevenaars is a well known Dutch native speaker. The voice actor speaks Flemish and German and English very well, with and without Dutch accent. Dutch native has interesting refrences: Porsche, Sony Erickson, L Oreal, National Geographic Channel, KLM, Sony sowie Coca Cola and Hornbach.
Jann Oltmanns is a Dutch speaker who lives and works in Germany. The Dutch voice actor finished his studies at the Acting School of Baden. The native speaker is working infront of the camera and is acting in theatre.
Francis Ras is a Dutch native speaker and higly in demand. The voice actor is working as voice-over artist, singer and musical producer since 25 years and has done lost of recordings for corporate videos.
Dutch native speaker Rolf Reurslag lives and works in Amsterdam. He already has a lot of experience with corporate videos for the brand LG, Red Bull and L´Oreal. With his deep and full voice he is applicable in every genre.
Henk van der Wijk is very successful as Dutch native speaker in doing voice recordings for advertisements and corporate videos as well as as off speaker for different projects. The Dutch voice actor did recordings for Sharp, Philips and Sony amongst others. Henk van der Wijk is often booked for productions of Endemol, RTL4, and NL2. The Dutch native lives in the Netherlands.
Simon van Parys Dutch native speaker. The voice-over artist is working as director and actor. The Dutch voice actor has played in TV projects such as: Im Namen des Gesetzes (RTL), Der Tunnel (SAT 1) und Hallo Robbie (ZDF).

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